Real Estate, Architecture, and the Fair Economy.
We, LAETOLI, are expanding our business into technological areas such as WEB3 and Blockchain, while keeping the real estate investment crowdfunding “”COZUCHI”” at the core of our business.
Our social mission is to build a “”Fair Economy”” centered on our specialty areas of “”Real Estate”” and “”Architecture””.
Until now, the real estate industry has been an economy in which overwhelming capital power and economic ethics have taken precedence. We are trying to open up a small hole in this situation.
We are trying to create a new value in the world that is not only limited by economic rationality, but also by using crowdfunding, a method of fundraising that can easily increase the number of people in the world.
In other words, we will build an ecosystem where “”pursuit of profit”” and “”respect for cultural values”” coexist.
We want to create truly prosperous and sustainable cities and cultures. With this in mind, we will continue to develop our business more.
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